We appreciate you for trying out Dawn of Survivors! When you signed up, you should have received an email giving you an in-game code. This in-game code will help you get a head start on your survival journey. After checking your spam folder; below are the steps needed to properly redeem your code:

How do I use my code?

1 - Complete the tutorial lab scene (when you encounter the dog and the radio)

2 - Press the R trigger on the Joy Con, and tab over to the Redeem Code Menu

3 - Enter the code you received in your email. (Even if you see no pop-up, you've done it correctly. You'll see "invalid code" when entered too many times).

4 - Check the player Mailbox: (In game; press the "-" button, then use L and R buttons to check your mail in the Mail Tab. Just make sure you have enough space in your inventory to accept it).

And that's it! If you have any issues entering your code, or come across any glitches while playing, be sure to submit a ticket or two. We'll be happy to help. Stay strong Survivor!